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The little stinker did it again

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Conor and I were lying in bed before school. “Dad, can any people fly without things to help them?” No, Conor, only birds can fly. All people need a machine to help them fly. “Like an airplane, helicopter, or a kite?” he quizzed. “That’s right, son,” I said, knowing I was letting him down. “Well, I want to fly,” he squeeked out. “Many, many people want to fly really bad. And that’s why two brothers named Orville and Wilber Wright invented the airplane.” I informed him.Then Conor stood up on the bed. “Dad, you stand over there.” And so I stood, bracing myself. And he jumped! “See dad, I can fly.” Conor always has to have the last word. And that’s when we got him dressed for school and stuffed him into his car seat. We drove. We didn’t fly.
