Blog - The Daily Poop

The little stinker did it again

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“Dad, where did the hole go?”, Conor said, confused. “What do you mean, bud? You saw me drill the hole in the wood so the bird will have a place to enter the birdhouse.” “Yeah, but where did the wood go that was there?” “Well looky here, Conor, the wood becomes shavings. See this.” And I picked up the shaving and he looked at me surprised. “Hey, that’s paper. You made paper, dad.” “Yes, I guess it looks like little pieces of paper now.” And he picked it up and threw around the shavings. We screwed the birdhouse together and it hangs on the fence near the birdfeeder.

It was great building with my son. We actually started with a little drawing and measurements. He sat on my lap and did the drilling and electric screwdriving. And aside from pointing out that it sure was taking a long time, we actually finished what we started. Our first woodworking project together. Bam!