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The little stinker did it again

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At 20 months old, Conor's just now at the age where we think he can understand right from wrong and can benefit from discipline. So we're now instilling the old 'timeout' rule. In his resistance to eating what he doesn't like, his rebellious act of choice is to throw food. We give him one chance to correct the behavior on his own.Then he gets a 30 second timeout in his playpen in the next room.
In true Conor fashion, he catches on fast. He cries the whole time and waits for us to come back. Tonight, after the third timeout for throwing his hotdog pieces, I asked him if he knew why he was in a timeout. He didn't respond so I reminded him. Then just as I had commented during the last two timeouts, he said with enthusiasm, 'Okay, let's go back into the room', meaning the dining room.
He's a great kid and takes his punishment well. But just as this picture suggests, it's bound to get more difficult as he gets older and gets an attitude. Time will tell!